Sold in 50pc, 100pc, or 200pc lots.
Please specify Black or White background, and provide your full color logo in EPS or High Quality JPG or PNG. If you do not have finished artwork we can provide this service at an extra charge.
**If you do not have finished artwork we can provide this service at an extra charge
Shipping for 50pcs is estimated at $25 to USA, $18 in Canada, $50 to UK
Shipping for 100pcs is estimated at $30 to USA, $20 in Canada, $50 to UK
Shipping for 200pcs is estimated at $49 to USA, $22 in Canada, $60 to UK
All Sales Final
All quotes in CAD, and are good for 7 days from issue
Payment must be received in full before items will be ordered.
GST charged on Canadian orders